

As is well established in everyone’s knowledge that water is the source of all life and most of the industry’s processes in life, the company excels in using various smart solutions in terms of consumption… 

and efficiency to reach the desired result. Maskoub has different systems that suit various water sources and that also correspond to the various requirements for the multiple purposes of water use. In addition, the company is characterized by the small sized plants as required and by reducing the total cost of producing the necessary water. Each project is designed separately for the purpose of producing and selling water, as it reduces operating requirements to the minimum. We have many systems of filteration, sterilization, sedimentation and all separation processes necessary for treating water coming from rivers, fresh lakes, fresh wells and canals to achieve any desired purposes, whether industrial, agricultural or for human use. We can achieve the purest types of water that is used for medical purposes to produce drugs or directly infuse the water in injection medicines.

These membranes feature a large surface area, where the largest membrane in its products reaches 96 square meters, which leads to the reduction of the plant sizes and the increase of productivity certainly at the highest possible quality and at a competitive price for the same membrane quality category.

Desalination using RO

The largest amount of water available in the world is the salty water of seas and oceans, also most of the population is located on the shores of these sources. Therefore,…..

most countries resort to desalination of sea or ocean water to use it in various purposes, while some countries only have one source, which is those seas or oceans. One of the important water treatment processes is the desalination of seawater or wells with salty water. Maskoub has enough experience to produce that water with the lowest possible operating expenses by doing an optimized design that takes into account the consumption of chemicals and electricity to achieve the best possible distillation rate by using the appropriate membranes for each project between energy-saving membranes and high reject membranes. Maskoub is keen on using membranes from internationally accredited global manufacturers, such as Tek, Toray or LG films and the like. Maskoub was the first to supply and install the first power saving technology plant, Sea Water Plant in Suez Oil Company (SUCO), where energy consumption reached 5.5 kilowatts per cubic meter, and we reached  2.2 kilowatts per cubic meter in Maskoub.


Sewage water is the most wasted water worldwide after being used. Therefore, good attention must be paid to sewage water treatment processes to preserve the environment,….

as the end of that water is to groundwater, seas, or to different watercourses. Maskoub has paid attention to the possibility of making efforts and costs in treating sewage water to achieve its highest levels of purity. That will be less expensive than water desalination for purposes like unrestricted cultivation, where Maskoub can achieve a degree of purity of the sewage water to be used in unrestricted irrigation according to the modified Egyptian Code for the year 2015 through advanced treatment. That is to reach, after the tertiary treatment stage, three other stages that completely eliminate various pollutants in the wastewater and achieve water suitable for unrestricted irrigation.


Industrial wastewater is one of the most complex types of liquid waste, due to the change of the industrial process during one day or one hour. Therefore,….

outputs and outcomes change. Also, because sometimes there are many components that enter the manufacturing process and lead to the interaction of those materials when mixing in septic tanks, Maskoub advises the designers of different industries and factories to take into consideration, starting from the design step, the possibility of separating the lines that may contain heavy pollutants from the rest of the wastewater production areas that may contain fewer pollutants, in order to reduce the cost of treating wastewater resulting from the factory as a whole.

We always consider ensuring that this water can be returned to the industrial process itself or at least to simpler ones that may be required on-site or at least to conform to the requirements of the environment required by each industrial facility.

Gray water system

Most of the architectural designs are currently directed to separate water in residential or administrative establishments into two parts, where one part has wastewater and the …

other has water from hand wash basins or bathtubs. Thus, the pollution load is reduced from the total water discharged from the units in one part and is at a natural concentration in another part. Consequently, the size of the sewage treatment plant is reduced and a greywater treatment plant is established. Then the total costs for constructions are much lower. Maskoub depends in the treatment of greywater on the advanced catalytic oxidation system, which guarantees the lowest consumption of chemicals and energy and the highest possible efficiency. That way, the client saves the expenses of the treatment of the wastewater resulting from his facility in a significant way.


In landlocked areas that depend on groundwater wells with salty water through desalination operations, there is a large output of rejected water coming from desalination plants: That water is ….

disposed of in two ways where each has catastrophic side effects in the long or short terms. The common way is to make an underground well away from the well of the water source,  and then the rejected water is pumped into it. This leads to ruining the rest of the groundwater reservoir in the region, and with time it reaches the water source of the plant’s raw water well, which in turn will need a complete change in the design of the plant to be able to desalinate the water with its new and more difficult specifications, knowing that the rejected water contains the most highly sedimentary salts and various minerals of calcium, magnesium, and so forth.

The other solution is to level a very large surface from the ground, where a cubic meter of water needs at least 50 square meters of land. This area is lined with high-density polyethylene, where some leaks often occur in the ground with the heat of the sun and water salts. The ground, in turn, is a source of food for some types of weeds and plants of unknown type, which provide a fertile environment for mosquitoes, rodents and various classes of insects that cause the disastrous spread of diseases, such as plague or dengue fever.

Maskoub has been proactive in solving this problem. Through advanced sedimentation reactors, we can convert that water into a source of mineral salts that are needed for agriculture and return the rest of the water amount to the entrance of the plant again or make another desalination plant for it at a lower cost than the one that was required for the rejected water with all its salts. Thus, the spaces of the land are saved, the groundwater source is preserved, and the problems resulting from this water are completely avoided, but rather can be turned into a useful source of mineral salts.